Posted in Animals, Languedocien, Occitan, Romance Languages

Languedocien (Occitan) – Los animals



Ant: Formiga

Bat: Ratapenada

Bear: Ors

Beaver: Vibre

Bee: Abelha

Beetle: Escarabat

Bird: Aucèl

Boar: Singlar

Bull: Taure

Bumblebee: Abelhard

Butterfly: Parpalhòl

Calf: Vedèl

Camel: Camèl

Cat: Cat

Caterpillar: Eruga / Canilha

Chameleon: Camaleon

Cheetah: Guepard

Chimpanzee: Chimpanzé

Cicada: Cigala

Cockroach: Babaròta

Cow: Vaca

Crab: Cranc

Cricket: Grelh / Grilh

Crocodile: Crocodil

Crow: Gralha / Graula

Deer: Cèrvi

Dog: Can / Gos

Dolphin: Dalfin

Donkey: Borricòt / Ase

Dove: Colomba / Palomba

Dragonfly: Domaisèla

Duck: Rita / Guita / Aneda

Eagle: Agla

Elephant: Elefant

Firefly: Luseta / Luciòla

Fish: Peis

Fly: Mosca

Fox: Rainal /  Mandra

Frog: Granhòta

Giraffe: Girafa

Goat: Cabra

Goose: Auca

Gorilla: Gorilla

Grasshopper: Sautarèl / Riquet

Hare: Lèbre

Hawk: Falquet / Moisset

Hedgehog: Eriç

Hen: Pola / Galina

Hippopotamus: Ipopotam

Horse: Caval

Horse fly: Tavan

Hyena: Ièna

Jellyfish: Medusa

Kangaroo: Cangoró

Ladybug: Galineta del bon Dieu / Catarineta

Lamb: Anhèl

Leopard: Laupard

Lion: Leon

Lizard: Lausèrt

Lynx: Lop-cervièr

Mole: Talpa / Darbon

Monkey: Monin

Mosquito: Bigal / Mosquilh

Mouse: Mirga

Mule: Mula / Muòla

Octopus: Pofre

Ostrich: Estruci

Otter: Loira

Ox: Buòu

Oyster: Ustra

Panther: Pantèra

Partridge: Perditz

Peacock: Pavon

Pheasant: Faisan

Pig: Pòrc

Pigeon: Colomb

Praying mantis: Prègadieu

Rabbit: Conilh / Lapin

Rat: Rat / Garri

Raven: Còrb / Corbàs

Rhinoceros: Rinoceròs / Nasicòrn

Rooster: Pol / Gal

Salamandra: Blanda

Scorpion: Escorpiu

Seal: Buòu-marin / Fòca

Shark: Làmia / Peis-can

Sheep: Moton

Slug: Limauc

Snail: Cagaròl / Escagaròl

Snake: Sèrp

Spider: Aranha

Squirrel: Esquiròl

Swan: Cigne

Tiger: Tigre

Toad: Grapaud

Tortoise: Tartuga / Tortuga

Tuna: Ton

Turkey: Piòt

Turtle: Tartuga / Tortuga

Vulture: Voltor

Wasp: Vèspa

Weasel: Mostèla / Polida

Whale: Balena

Wolf: Lop

Worm: Vèrm

Zebra: Zèbre



































Posted in Animals, Aranese, Occitan, Romance Languages

Aranese (Occitan) – Es animaus




Ant: Hormiga

Anteater: Os hormiguèr

Bat: Arrata-cauda / Ratapenada

Bear: Os

Bee: Abelha

Beetle: Escaravat

Bird: Audèth

Boar: Pòrc sanglièr

Bumblebee: Abelhard

Butterfly: Parpalhòla / Parpalhòu

Calf: Vedèth

Camel: Camèl

Cat: Gat

Caterpillar: Canilha / Eruga

Chameleon: Camaleon

Cheetah: Guepard

Chimpanzee: Chimpanzé

Cockroach: Escaravat de horn / Escaravat dera codina

Cow: Vaca

Crab: Cranc

Cricket: Grilh

Crocodile: Crocodil

Crow: Corbàs

Deer: Cèrvi

Dog: Can

Dolphin: Daufin

Donkey: Ase

Dove: Paloma

Duck: Lit

Eagle: Agla

Elephant: Elefant

Firefly: Lutzencramba

Fish: Peish

Fly: Mosca

Fox: Vop / Aguinèu

Frog: Gargolha

Giraffe: Girafa

Goat: Craba

Goose: Auca

Gorilla: Gorilla

Grasshopper: Sautarèth

Hare: Lèbre / Lèbe

Hawk: Halcon / Falcon

Hedgehog: Eriçon

Hen: Garia

Hippopotamus: Ipopotam

Horse: Chivau

Horse fly: Tavàs

Hyena: Ièna

Kangaroo: Cangur

Lamb: Anhèth

Leopard: Leopard

Lion: Leon

Lizard: Ludèrt

Lynx: Gatilop

Mole: Boha

Monkey: Monard

Mosquito: Mosquit

Mouse: Arrat / Murga

Octopus: Pofre

Ox: Bò / Bueu

Oyster: Ustra

Panther: Pantèra

Partridge: Perditz / Perdic

Peacock: Paom

Pheasant: Faisan

Pig: Pòrc

Pigeon: Paloma

Rabbit: Conilh

Rat: Arrata

Raven: Corbàs

Rhinoceros: Rinoceròs

Scorpion: Escorpion

Seal: Fòca

Shark: Raquin

Sheep: Oelha / Aulha

Slug: Limac

Snail: Cargòlh / Escargòlh

Snake: Sèrp

Spider: Aranha

Squirrel: Esquiròu

Swan: Cigne

Tiger: Tigre

Toad: Grapaud / Sapo

Tortoise: Tortuga

Tuna: Ton

Turkey: Polòi

Turtle: Tortuga

Vulture: Arriango / Trango / Vuitre

Wasp: Vèspa

Whale: Balena

Wolf: Lop

Worm: Saualhon / Vèrme

Zebra: Zèbra



Posted in Little Prince, Occitan, Romance Languages

Provençal (Occitan) – Lou princilhoun

littleprince   Translator: Peireto Berengier

Ah! Moun princilhoun, ai ansin coumprés, d’a chà pau, ta vidouno pleno de malancounié. Long-tèms, aviés agu pèr tout espaçamen que lou dous di soulèu tremount. Ai sachu auqesto nouvèuta, lou matin dóu jour quatren, quouro me diguères: Ame bèn li soulèu tremount.

Oh, little prince! Bit by bit I came to understand the secrets of your sad little life. For a long time you had found your only entertainment in the quiet pleasure of looking at the sunset. I learned that new detail on the morning of the fourth day, when you said to me: I am very fond of sunsets. 

Posted in Little Prince, Occitan, Romance Languages, Uncategorized

Piedmont Vivaroaupenc (Occitan) – Ël pchi prinsë

littleprince   Translator: Giovanna Jayme

Ah! pchi prinsë, ei coumprei, poou për có, cm’ i l’érë ità trichtë votë vittë. Ou l’aviâ aougú lounton, cmë distrasioun, mac ëd beicâ la coujà dou sourëlhë. A l’ei aprei icontchí, ël catriémë joû, ëd matin, can-t-ou m’avé dí: La m’ plai spacan veir ël sourëlhë quë s’ coujë.

Oh, little prince! Bit by bit I came to understand the secrets of your sad little life. For a long time you had found your only entertainment in the quiet pleasure of looking at the sunset. I learned that new detail on the morning of the fourth day, when you said to me: I am very fond of sunsets. 

Posted in Little Prince, Occitan, Romance Languages

Limousin (Occitan) – Lo prinçonet

littleprince  Translator: Paul Rainal

A! prinçonet, ai comprengut, pauc per pauc, aital, ta vita languivosa. Avias ‘gut longtemps per esbatoelh mas la doçor dels solelhs entrants. Ai’ prengut ‘quel detalh novel, lo quatren jorn l’emmandin, quand m’as dich: Aime plan los solelhs entrants.

Oh, little prince! Bit by bit I came to understand the secrets of your sad little life. For a long time you had found your only entertainment in the quiet pleasure of looking at the sunset. I learned that new detail on the morning of the fourth day, when you said to me: I am very fond of sunsets. 

Posted in Little Prince, Occitan, Romance Languages

Niçard (Occitan) – Lou pichin prince

littleprince   Translator: Albert Rosso

Ah! pichin prince, ai capit, pau à pau, la tieu pichina vida malincounica. Avìes augut, per touplen de tems, couma souleta distracioun la douçoù dei tramount. Ai emparat aqueu detai nouvèu, lou matin dóu quatrième jou, quoura m’as dich: Mi plason ben lu tramount.

Oh, little prince! Bit by bit I came to understand the secrets of your sad little life. For a long time you had found your only entertainment in the quiet pleasure of looking at the sunset. I learned that new detail on the morning of the fourth day, when you said to me: I am very fond of sunsets. 


Oh, little prince! Bit by bit I came to understand the secrets of your sad little life. For a long time you had found your only entertainment in the quiet pleasure of looking at the sunset. I learned that new detail on the morning of the fourth day, when you said to me: I am very fond of sunsets. 

Posted in Languedocien, Little Prince, Occitan, Romance Languages

Languedocien (Occitan) – Lo princilhon

littleprince   Translator: Jòrdi Blanc

A! princilhon, pauc a pauc, aital la comprenguèri, ta vidòta tristoneta. Aviás pas agut mai que la doçor dels solelhs colcs per distraccion, despuèi de temps. L’aprenguèri lo jorn quatren, de matin, aquel detalh novèl, quand me faguèras: Aimi los solelhs colcs.

Oh, little prince! Bit by bit I came to understand the secrets of your sad little life. For a long time you had found your only entertainment in the quiet pleasure of looking at the sunset. I learned that new detail on the morning of the fourth day, when you said to me: I am very fond of sunsets. 

Posted in Little Prince, Occitan, Romance Languages

Gascon (Occitan) – Lo prinçòt

littleprince   Translator: Eric Chaplain

A! prinçòt, qu’èi comprés atau, chic a chic, la toa vitòta adirosa. Pausa qu’avès avut la doçor deus sós-cocs com soleta distraccion. Qu’èi aprés aqueth detalh navèth, lo qüatau jorn au matin, qüan m’as dit: que m’agràdan los sós-cocs.

Oh, little prince! Bit by bit I came to understand the secrets of your sad little life. For a long time you had found your only entertainment in the quiet pleasure of looking at the sunset. I learned that new detail on the morning of the fourth day, when you said to me: I am very fond of sunsets.